Normal People

These days I’m feeling particularly citizen-y. I could be the next superhero. (Have you noticed all the hero movie remakes?)
Here are some awesome things I do:
I’m at home and I’m biking to save the planet.
I run errands to help run our household.
I make my own lists and sometimes I follow them!
I biked all around town today with a DOF (Dear Old Friend) and applied at a myriad of places.
I have plans to register to vote!
One day I WILL attend college.

On the traveling front:
I’ve just returned from Nebraska where two of my grandmothers reside. I will be going back there in about a week to do some odds & ends, such as going down stairs, carrying things, shutting windows, making smoothies, driving a car, watering the garden, fighting wasps, and hopefully trimming a tree. These are all things that my normally capable grannies are unable to do since they both decided to break their legs, need oxygen tubes, etc.

They’re so wonderful, I KNOW it’s gonna be great. I also got a part-time job working for the neighbor, so that’s a plus plus!

Now if I could only find an attractive cowboy…

Maybe along these lines?

I plan to be gone about two weeks. If I’ve told you something different, that’s because my life changes quickly. I wasn’t lying, I just didn’t have the Updated Plan told to me yet.

More on the Job:

I’ve applied at awesome and spectacular places! Not really. I’ll probably end up slugging donuts around at Dunkin Donuts.

But we did prepare adequately for the mission:

Dressed to Impress

(My blog is worried that I don’t get enough traffic.

“Try using more key words!” it cheerfully suggested. “Here are some I found in your blog: ground squirrel, bobby pins, etc.”

I find it creepy that it’s reading my posts.

“How about using one of these themes for your next post: ‘If you could commit one crime, what would it be?’, ‘Are you more like your mom or dad?’, ‘Do you have a life? Oh, sorry, I meant pets‘.”

A thinly veiled attempt at mockery, wordpress. I’m on to you.)

{After I published this post, wordpress’ comment was, “Groovy!” Way to appeal to all generations.}

10 thoughts on “Normal People

  1. I read halfway through this post, remembered my constantly-forgotten plans to be a good citizen, and scribbled “Register to Vote” on *my* list of stuff.
    Consider yourself a catalyst for national transformation.


    It’s me again. You’re starting to inspire me, and I’m struggling against the desire to write a blog myself. I’m trying to simplify my life. ‘Tis not an easy task, when one is trying to get a job and preparing to go to college, and cleaning for acquaintances, and singing in choir, etc.

    Technology is definitely getting too perceptive and independently active.,r:10,s:0

    Look familiar?

    I hope that comes up as an image… It’s just a ton of numbers right now.

  3. I’m commenting on my own comment that didn’t really work. I was totally waiting for someone to say, “umm… no that doesn’t look familiar at all,” or even funnier, “Indeed, I’d recognize that numerical sequence anywhere!”

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