Cramming for 2011

So the world’s going to end. Booyah. Apparently I have until December, though, which should give me enough time to complete my goals/resolutions.

Before I give away the new, exciting developments for 2012, I have to mention the tail end of 2011.

Thursday, I had a brilliant, hare-brained idea.

(Do you know why it’s called a hare-brained idea? I do. Let me tell you about it. Picture a small, sniveling hare. His nose is so twitchy, and his eyes are big and bright and stupid. He’s so fluffy. He’s so fluffy and cute he can’t even think straight. What thoughts do you think are going through his head? That’s right. NO THOUGHTS. Bunnies don’t know the first thing about event coordination or finances or networking. They just chew and go “meeeeeeeeehhhhI’m happy,” in their minds. That’s what my brain does.)

Obviously, my sister and I should drive up to Wisconsin to see some people. Duh. What else would we do? And you know what, we have to leave tomorrow. And we’re going to go to a BALL. So get some dresses, rearrange your music major audition for the THIRD TIME, and get in the car.

That’s right. On Friday, I had my audition for getting into the music program at AlmaMater, damaged my hopes, packed up and left for Wisconsin.
(I shake like a leaf when performing. It’s so bad that often I can’t stand because my knees are shaking so violently. Also, my bow skeeters across the strings, defying steady strokes. “…Were you fighting your bow?” the man asked after I had finished. …No, sir. I was fighting Fear itself. And losing quite sorely. WHAT OF IT.I will write of my apprehensions in a later post.)
Wisconsin is lovely. I’ve always enjoyed people from Wisconsin and Minnesota (something in the water?), and this trip only solidified my love for the cheesy areas of the U.S.Sister Squishy and I left behind the dust and grime of the city, and set our sights through the sleeting rain to the wondrous land up north. Oh, and did I mention it was a Regency Ball? Think Jane Austen. Think happy. Think beauteous. Think dance cards.It was a thoroughly enjoyable ball.

We seesters had a grand ol’ time of it all. We’ve begun compiling a list of eligible young bachelors to bring to the next Regency Ball.

I suppose I should add a note regarding the usual New Year’s Resolutions.

I also suppose the first will be: Resolved: To spend more time with wonderful people.

2. To journal steadily, and in one notebook! I can’t tell you how many cute, practical and fantastic journals I get from people. I fill the first third with halfway amusing thoughts, and then lose steam, casting them off to lay in piles, sad and lonely. And totally unusable! You can’t use the rest of them for school, for what if someone asks to see your notes?

“Hey, Hattie, sorry, I was sick yesterday. Do you mind if I peek at your notes?” says handsome classmate.

Hattie slowly pulls her notebook up to her chest. “No. You can’t.” Her wide eyes watch him accusingly.

“…Um… are you ok?”

“Why? What did you see? You saw something, didn’t you!”

It would just go downhill.

3. To practice the spiritual discipline of intentional solitude. And no, Mother, I don’t mean that at 10pm I will brush and floss my teeth, put on my pajamas, and lie down for a bit of solitude with the Lord and the lights off, with quiet music playing in the background. I mean I will remember and spend time with my Best Friend. :) Yayyyy. I did quite a bit of that for the first month of England, albeit it was often instigated by an onset of insecurity whenever I tried to eat in the dining hall. I also had such beautiful places to run away to at Capernwray: ruins, woodlands, castle towers, and sheep herds. In Chicago it will be… a bit different. But God will still be Himself, thank goodness for that.

I wouldn’t mind all dying this year. Then we can go party forever, and I won’t have to experience homesickness or nostalgia. Darn emotions.

A New Development!

My violin is calling me.

I have chosen to study music, which is a huge step onto the raging waves for me. I’m terrified that I won’t be good enough.

“What do you want to do with your life?” people often ask. Ultimately, I’d just love to do something. I’d like to sit, wrinkled and smelling of AVON perfume, thinking contentedly about the life I had led.

“But up until that point what would you like to do?”

Well, actually, I’d love to run around in the forest with my colony, playing music every step of the way. 10 minutes of being near an instrument, touching it, playing on it, and I am a happy camper for the rest of the day.

“So why aren’t you playing nonstop, every day?”

Um. This is where it gets sticky. For some reason, I’m afraid of things I love. I would never even consider seeing my favorite musician in concert, I never pursue people that I have huge friend-crushes on, and I avoid eye contact with my fiddle. Is it the fear of rejection? Fear of failure? Insecurity? Stupidity? It could be any and all.

“Shouldn’t you see a psychiatrist for that?”


I’m too cool.

So choosing to do music is the first time I have consciously and deliberately chosen to do something so difficult, so passionate, and so…. so BIG AND HUGE AND WONDERFUL.

I can only imagine how my schooling is going to go down. Right now I’m picturing me skulking about in the practice rooms, screaming internally, eyes bloodshot, wanting to tear my face off. How attractive.

The other great news is that my church has generously given me a gift card Christmas gift! With it I am going to buy a ukulele. Or a pennywhistle. Or a metronome (so splurgatory). Or music. Or… a small human that will do my bidding. Oh wait, that’s what children are for.

Oh, and I’m quitting ALL MY JOBS this week. Then I will be a free woman and frolic mightily through the night.

It’s gonna be awesome.

It Is Beginning

A large cloud of fate is gathering above my head. It is neither ill will nor good will, but it rains down on me with “what-ifs”.

What if I get a monster for a roommate, and she’s allergic to good taste?

What if Johnny Depp applied there and got accepted and then he falls in love with me?

What if I fail at everything?

School is becoming a reality further realized through getting emails such as, “Did you request your roommate?”, “Check our packing list!”, and, “PAY YOUR BILL, OMG, IT’S ALMOST TOO LATEEE!” By the by, I’m not going to check their packing list. It’s a game I’m playing with myself where I don’t get caught up in panic and stress about what to bring because 1. I pack like a pro for the unknown, and 2. it’s not like I’m actually going anywhere. I’m going from outside downtown to inside… it’s not that far.

I have also had to resist the impulse to buy all the horribly wonderful things I find in antique shops. I want to buy them all and put them in my dorm! My poor roommate. She’s getting more than she bargained for. (So I saw this big ol’ candleholder wolf statue with glass eyes and wings. It was so ugly. And then my mom found these spectacular psychedelic candles which just screamed to be used. I didn’t get them, though.)

So it’s three weeks until all my jobs end, and then it’s one more week until the rest of my life begins. In my India updates, every other sentence was about prayer or God. It’s weird how here in my own culture, in my own life, God sometimes takes a back seat in my mind. That’s horrid.

I will have to make a post of what God has done with my life. GOLLY! It’s just so evident that He’s all around, organizing my life and protecting me. No matter what happens, I know I’m going to be ok because Jesus loves mee! (I think I sang that in my head to the tune of “Deck the Halls”.)

(Don't worry, it won't turn into this.)

Hattie is Back

Helloooooo Readers! (I said that in a rockstar voice, for those who are hard of hearing.)

I couldn’t stay away.

Also, I failed at NaNoWriMo-ing, so I’ve come crawling back to my blog where I plan on wallowing in self-pity, currying favor from beloved relatives I force to read my drivel. (November was National Novel Writing Month, FYI, and mixing telepathic aliens with superintelligent minotaurs doesn’t actually give you as much of a plot line as you would think.)

But let’s not talk about my shortcomings. Let’s save that for my mom and the Holy Spirit. (Just kidding, Mom. They’ll think it’s funny! Really!)

I’ve had some adventures, and I’m about to have some more, so stick around, don’t be a stranger!

Normal People

These days I’m feeling particularly citizen-y. I could be the next superhero. (Have you noticed all the hero movie remakes?)
Here are some awesome things I do:
I’m at home and I’m biking to save the planet.
I run errands to help run our household.
I make my own lists and sometimes I follow them!
I biked all around town today with a DOF (Dear Old Friend) and applied at a myriad of places.
I have plans to register to vote!
One day I WILL attend college.

On the traveling front:
I’ve just returned from Nebraska where two of my grandmothers reside. I will be going back there in about a week to do some odds & ends, such as going down stairs, carrying things, shutting windows, making smoothies, driving a car, watering the garden, fighting wasps, and hopefully trimming a tree. These are all things that my normally capable grannies are unable to do since they both decided to break their legs, need oxygen tubes, etc.

They’re so wonderful, I KNOW it’s gonna be great. I also got a part-time job working for the neighbor, so that’s a plus plus!

Now if I could only find an attractive cowboy…

Maybe along these lines?

I plan to be gone about two weeks. If I’ve told you something different, that’s because my life changes quickly. I wasn’t lying, I just didn’t have the Updated Plan told to me yet.

More on the Job:

I’ve applied at awesome and spectacular places! Not really. I’ll probably end up slugging donuts around at Dunkin Donuts.

But we did prepare adequately for the mission:

Dressed to Impress

(My blog is worried that I don’t get enough traffic.

“Try using more key words!” it cheerfully suggested. “Here are some I found in your blog: ground squirrel, bobby pins, etc.”

I find it creepy that it’s reading my posts.

“How about using one of these themes for your next post: ‘If you could commit one crime, what would it be?’, ‘Are you more like your mom or dad?’, ‘Do you have a life? Oh, sorry, I meant pets‘.”

A thinly veiled attempt at mockery, wordpress. I’m on to you.)

{After I published this post, wordpress’ comment was, “Groovy!” Way to appeal to all generations.}


Here was an email I sent at the beginning of my time in India. We were in Agra & Delhi at the time.

Agra: "Clean Agra, Green Agra"

As a rule my updates were done very late and very sporadically. Think, “written by a squirrel with vodka in one hand and chocolate in the other, typing with its toes”. Then I think the update will be kinder on your mind. (Doubt it.)

Well, here I am. In INDIA!!!!! I am very, very pleased with everything so far. I’m sitting on a roof, our clothes are drying about me, the people and horns reassuringly loud down below. (I love cities.)

I’ve seen cows (scary!), monkeys, [Newsflash: I’m terrified of monkeys. They run up against me and they look at me with their creepy eyes.]

EEEEVIL monkeys

…weird ground squirrel things, dogs, cats, pigeons (the first place we stayed had a pigeon training house or something right close, and when you were on the roof you could see the flocks of pigeons circling, circling, while the men waved lassoes about and yelled and screamed and whistled. Such a cacophony would keep me away if I were a pigeon… I guess it’s good I’m not one.), water buffalo, horses, and eagles! Love the eagles. They’re not bald eagles; more like red kites. Oh, and I saw a cockroach.

The cockroaches and I developed a mutual understanding of each other: we both wanted to sleep in the bed. (Whenever one was available.) I must say, cockroaches are the sauciest bugs in the world. One time we had quite a large number living in our room, we kept our bags zipped so we didn’t get curious investigators. I had unzipped my bag for like FIVE SECONDS while I was braiding my hair. And then I saw him. A little cockroach skittering towards my backpack.

“Hey! Stay away from my bag!” I yelled with bobby pins in my mouth, standing helplessly across the room.

He climbed up to the top.

“I mean it! Go away! Stop!” I tried to finish my braid hurriedly.

He ran to the edge of the opening, pausing for effect. Waiting for me to feel his full power and insolence.

“Don’t you dare!!!” I thundered, dropping my braid and going for his throat.

He dove cheerfully into the depths of my pack.

I screamed in outrage and yelled threateningly after him. Sparky and Kitchen Nazi (the girls on my team and my darling roommates through everything) laughed at my misery and humiliation.

One of the cozier rooms we stayed in

India is much like China, so that has made adjustment way easier, praise God. It does make me miss China, though. I dress like a native now, except for my “Pansy Fantasy” skirt, which I’m wearing currently. (I’ve been given the opportunity to go minister to women today, and been told that I have to change into pants. Which I have one pair of but they’re wet right now. So I have to borrow some from someone…)

I was sick coming to India with a bug I got in Cascade, ID and followed me back to Chicago, and then to India. I and my teammates are all suffering; I passed my sore throat, stuffy sinuses, and wooziness along. I am also feeling a bit queasy… hopefully that will pass instantaneously. We must rebuke these spirits. Every member is getting sick repeatedly. Yesterday I had a fever of over 101.4 which went away after we read the story of Jesus rebuking the fever in Simon’s mother and I had Chris rebuke it.But only until late that night did we think of that. Don’t ask why.

I went on to have more fevers of 104+ after this episode. And that was just the  beginning. I got sick a total of 8 times. (“Getting sick” was if you missed an event or threw up.)

The food is great! I love it. Lassis and curry all the way! I’m also learning how to barter. I never could in China, but now I’m sort of forced to. I’m the best at getting rickshaws.

I got really good at bartering. So good that everyone was embarrassed to go out with me because I made them nervous. I guess I was pretty brusque.

We went to the TajMahal! We went for the sunrise, but the fog was so bad it didn’t make much of a difference. In what I can only hope was the morning mist, the Taj looked mystical and fantastical, it was hard to believe it was real. Especially when you compare it to the rest of India: loud, vibrant, and dirty.

I’ve had two ministry opportunities so far, once with a fellowship which met on a roof, at which I shared my testimony, and then in a village, where most of the people had never seen a white person before. Needless to say we were ogled, most likely holding their attentions with our melanin level rather than the words we spoke. I didn’t share anything that time. I just observed and said, “Hi!”, “Namaste!”, and “Apkiannaamke hay?” a lot. (By the way, when I was lying in bed, alone and feverish, the only thing that kept running through my head was “How many brothers and sisters do you have?” in Marathi: “Tumhi kiti bhau ani bahini ahat? Tumhikitibhauanibahiniahat? Tumhikitibhauanibahiniahat?” I was about to go crazy.)

First ministry: um, we had... fun

Rickshaw riding is the new life-threatening sport. Rickshaw driving, we’ve decided, should be the next Wii game with levels from American streets to the playing field of India, where death is near certain. The game is to stuff as many people as you can into a little human cart built around a motorcycle (the current record is 6 people), after bartering for 10 minutes on a good price, and then… try to survive! It’s incredibly exhilarating. Rickshaw drivers have major driving skills. They dodge carts, cycles, people, cows, dogs, children, other rickshaws, cars, trucks, more people, some more people, trash, bumps, more cycles, etc.

Stuff 'em in da rikshaw!!!!

I have to pay for any internet I use, so that means Miss Miserly Hattie won’t be sending out too many emails. (Miss Miserly Hattie also made an uninformed decision to buy a salwaar and got ripped off by the salesman, so that reduced her pocket money a bit more.) It also means that the ones I DO send out will most likely be on the larger side. Bear with me.

This evening we will be going to a Christmas Carols service! I am playing violin on most all of them, but no one has told me what we’re singing, so I just ran through a handful hoping that the group will choose from those. Right now I’m sitting on our beds, wrapped in a scarf, listening to Sufjan Steven’s Christmas album and crying because I miss Sufjan so much. Sufjan, and all he signifies to me. I’m going to cry a lot at Christmas this year, I think. It’s a joy to follow the Lord and to see what He is doing, but sometimes all you want is your mommy. I’m growing up. I can’t always have my mommy. But I’ll always have my Heavenly Father, and this is a difficult weaning time where I must transfer my comfort needs from my earthly parents to my Creator. (Oh, that’s so mean! I don’t want to do that! You sound so cold and calculating! my heart says as I type this.)

That whole part of my time was a disaster. Homesickness to the max. Self-consciousness about violin to the max. I don’t wanna talk about it.

To change the subject to something more amusing, we have five girls sleeping in a tiny two-bed room in which has been stuffed another little cabin bed thing. The blankets smell of mothballs and feel like steel wool (and offer about that much warmth, as well). There’s really no room for our stuff, and there wouldn’t be much room for us to sleep except it’s so cold here at night. So the cold forces us into little huddled lumps, where we try to conserve heat. Last night I slept under the window pane that’s missing (which is why it’s so cold), and woke up several times absolutely astonished and almost in laughter at how ridiculously cold it was. There’s nothing to be done about it, though, so we’re just gritting our teeth and… and complaining about it extensively in the morning to each other.

We have our own personal rickshaw drivers, practically. They always pop up when we need one; how it’s always those same ones is still a mystery to me. It might have something to do with one of the brothers fancying Sparky, and one of them possibly fancying me. (I’m only saying that because I’m the only one whose name he knows, and when they pull up, he always says, “Harry! Come sit! You can ride here!”) We found out last night that it’s three brothers that have been carting us around. Their whole family business is rickshaws. The one that knows my name has dyed red hair and has similar bone structure to Johnny Depp, so we call him Johnny because we can’t remember his name. They wear the same things every day. Actually, most all the Indians we see regularly wear the same thing every day. I feel better because I also have just a few clothes and have to repeat. A lot. This way I fit in! Sort of.

My rikshaw driver has reddish hair, next to the orange sweatered dude. Isn't he cute??

Pray that I will feel comfort and learn from my Father’s arms, and that I will not try to do anything on my own strength. Pray for patience!

Home is wherever I’m with… Y’ALL

Who has noticed that I haven’t posted in like… AGES? Nobody, I hope.

However, I do have some really great excuses lined up for why I haven’t written anything.

1. I was home for one week, and was really busy seeing people, doing projects around the house, quilting, watching Fringe (I’m addicted), and running errands.

2. I hate thinking and analyzing about my journeys. I don’t know why, but I do. So I’m not sure what to write about….

3. Currently I am in Nebraska, rubbing shoulders with the greatest relatives in the world. But that doesn’t leave me much time to think and write. Also, I was preparing for the journey before we left, so I couldn’t write then, either.

My cousin and I have matching hairdos... but you can't tell

4. The big whammy: I’ve sort of stopped traveling. The entire purpose of this blog is to update people about my travels, and I think the purpose has been fulfilled. OH NOOOOO.

I can’t even update you all on what my probable plans are, because they’re not definite and… telling you would be cheating. But this I can tell you, I’m still looking for a job this semester, and I’m 95% sure that I’ll be attending Moody Bible Institute in the spring.


On another topic, I checked out a book from the library that turned out to be rather interesting. So my sister requested “Anna Karenina”, right? And I got that for her. But then as I was going out, a book caught my eye: “Android Karenina”? I said with amusement. I checked it out. I couldn’t help myself. It’s almost word-for-word, but is abridged somewhat. It’s like a steampunk version of “Anna Karenina”. Russia + Steampunk = AWE.SOME.

Speaking of steampunk, check out my cool new watch! It doesn't work.

My British Obsession

Pub signs and Fish N Chips.

For some reason these are the most novel and quaint creations in the world these days.

So, pubs! Every pub has a name that has a rhythm to it: “The Hmm and Huh” or “Da Da Dadum Buh Dee”. And they all have signs out front illustrating the title. Apparently this hearkens back to the day when no one could read, but everyone could see where The Black Horse and Rider was. Brilliant! It’s so simple and clever, I find it shocking.

Who was the first pub owner that discovered this artistic trick? Day after day, hearing people about town, “Yo, dude, y’wanna go to da… da… umm…. ok. Y’know da one place wif da beer and ale and beer and food and beer? Wassat? Uh, nah, not dat one. The OTHER one by the field-… y’know, fuhget it. Jist… let’s jist go home and milk our cows.”

Yeah. SO bad for business.

Until one decided, “Imma paint a SIGN and hang it up!” Bingo. World revolutionized.

And now, years and years later, I can go around and gawk at those signs, pleased to the cockles of my heart.

I can’t get enough of them.

As for fish and chips, it’s pretty much the tastiest food ever. (Not really, because there’s a lot of tasty food out there, but work with me here.) At first I scoffed at the infamous duo, assuming they couldn’t find anything better to eat. But now I am reformed: once you’ve eaten deep-fried fish and potatoes, you really don’t WANT to find anything else to eat. It’s pretty much as good as it gets. I would probably eat it everyday if I wasn’t restrained by my family.

You can also get it with mushy peas.


Arranging photos on my blog turns me into a screaming smear of rage, so after an hour of arranging and rearranging little thumbnails, I finally realized, ‘If you post the pictures on facebook, and then link to the album here, all your dreams will come true, Hattie’.

So here’s the link and don’t worry, you don’t have to be a member of the pillaging world of F.B.


When I think about going back home, I can only think of “Coming Home” by P Diddy. It’s an ok song. The chorus is best.

And when I think about getting on a plane to fly back to America, this song comes to mind:

I’ve learned so much, seen so much. How will it sink in? I’m not sure it will.

What am I going home to?

Nothing at home is beautiful.

I’m gonna cry.


This post is NOT organized. I can’t and I won’t. How can I? How do you organize and present three months of inner turmoil brushing against moments of pure joy and beauty? How can this world be so big in every way imaginable? I went to one, tiny, little island, and I’m changed for life. How can I write about that? How can I describe the intricacies of everyday normality that leads to an entire lifestyle?

This is why I hate real life.

My body is split in half. One half is a go go get’em adventurer. It’s gotta go see places, taste foods, touch everything. You can see this part of me when you take me to a beautiful place in nature. It makes me scream and laugh and run around a lot. It tries to take as much as possible in within the instant. You can also see it after a period of about five months. I need something new. Five months in the same place is too long. I have to go and do something KUH-RAZY.

But, the other half is a real softie. “Come here, I need you; I love you!” it says to everyone and everything around it, bonding deeply and instantaneously. This is the part of me that digs my claws into things and howls piteously when I have to leave. This is the part that never wants to leave a beautiful place; even if my other half is bored of it and seen it all, this soft half has become attached now, and leaving is like leaving your bosom friend. This is the ridiculous half. It’s not logical to form strong bonds in such short times, but this bit never stops trying. This half broke so many times in India (ever 10 days we’d leave to a new location, new people), that it stopped mending itself. Even now I can tell that it’s still a bit calloused.

So it’s this odd and painful ritual, like a cat jumping at a curtain: fly through the air, land with your claws out, get attached, ahhhhh get ripped off, tearing the curtains.

It’s tiresome.

Well, I guess that’s all for now, folks.

Goodbye, England

Peace, Love, and Sunshine

The camping trip was a success.

It is, however, misrepresented by this sunny, bright photo. Most of the sunniness was in our hearts.

I spent my Independence Day on the shores of England. IRONY.

I will post a longer and more entertaining description of our travels at a later time. Right now I’m trying to not think about leaving on Tuesday.

I don’t want to go.

England is wonderful. I don’t care if it rains. I don’t mind that it’s not hot! I want to stay!